The ARVAC Food Bank provides food for churches, community food pantries and soup kitchens. Non-profit organizations can obtain food from ARVAC for .14 cents per pound maintentance fee.
Free garden seed is given out in all nine counties to people whose income falls below poverty guidelines. Follow-up in the fall is to collect data on how much food is grown, how many people are fed and how much money is saved on the grocery bill.
The Crisis Intervention Program (CIP) is for utility hook-ups and shut-off notices or when a propane tank is below 10% capacity. Applicants must meet the same income guidelines as for the regular program and not have received Crisis Intervention assistance in the current Fiscal Year.
Commodities are issued as available. Eligibility is based on family income being at or below 125% of the poverty level. See "commodity guidelines."
The Emergency Food and Shelter Program is administered in the counties served by ARVAC. This program is used to help families who are threatened to be forclosed upon or evicted or past due utility bills. It is a one-time payment of up to $300 paid to the landlord, mortgage company, or utility company. It will pay only one month's past-due bill, and the landlord, utility company, etc. has to agree to guarantee an additional 30 days of service.
The Home Energy Assistance Program is to help low-income people with their heating costs. Those meeting the income guidelines received a one-time payment applied to their utility bill. Those using forms of energy other than gas or electricity (such as wood, kerosene or coal) or those whose energy costs are included in their rent are also eligible for the program.
Food stamp recipients recieved their applications in the mail in late December or early January. Non-food stamp recipients must go into the ARVAC office to get their applications and be interviewed. The applicants must provide proof of income for the preceding month, proof of any checking, savings, or CD accounts, and proof of the value of any real estate owned other than their home.
Fans are distributed when a weather-related emergency exists as declared by the Governor. The Fan Program offers assistance to households with medical conditions that makes them susceptible to heat. This program is for the purpose of obtaining one fan per household.
Low-income Arkansans who successfully complete the Home to Own program will be eligible to receive up to a $6,000 subsidy to be applied to their down payment and closing costs. This assistance is for ADFA Bond-backed mortgages.
Money management is being provided for Social Security claimants who are mentally incapable of financially managing their money. This management includes paying monthly household bills and weekly contacts are made with the claimants to determine needs.
ARVAC Food Bank
ARVAC Garden Project
CIP (Crisis Intervention Program)
Commodity Foods
EF & S (Emergency Food and Shelter)
Li-HEAP (Low-income Home Energy Assistance Program)
Home to Own Program
Social Security Representative Payee